Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Sleepy, but I have class in an hour

okay I'm sooooo sleepy. I'm on campus now and I got nothing to do! omg is this real? mid test is going on and here I am, sitting in front of my laptop, blogging? HAHA tell you this, this is one of the advantage if you took art major on univ. in mid test like this I usually just make my assignments at home and then I just come to campus and submit it. done. you don't have to study any theories or memorizing all those shits about design as well. well, actually it depends on the lecturer, but mostly they just gave us some work to do and we did it as homework. but still. that doesn't change the fact that sometimes, being in an art major is a bit frustrating. you have to open your mind all the time, looking for ideas, fresh ones, etc etc. and sometimes you even need to stay up late to work on those works so that you can get it done on time. well I enjoyed most of the time i'm doing my assignments so, usually I just cope with it...
okay anyways, since I got nothing to do, I think I'll write a review about a movie I watched yesterday ;)

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